Day 13 NAIA


Day 13

November 10, 2006

Departure : November 10, 2006  7:55 AM

Arrival      : November 10, 2006  5:15 PM

I was brought to the airport by Ti Nora, Ti Ester...

Lorraine, Seth, Marvin and Mariano.

Siyempre, dinaanan namin si Donna...

My 17-hour sojourn included a stop-over at Narita.

When I arrived in Jacksonville, Marissa picked me up at the airport and we proceeded to see our niece Julie who was having a birthday slumber party.

BTW, Joseph and the two bulilits (James and Jason) sent me off at the

JAX airport when I went back to the Philippines.
Also, a couple of days before I left for the Philippines, Jill and James celebrated their birthdays (They have the same birthday!)

Click last photo to proceed to "Balik-Jacksonville"

Updated : November 13, 2006

December 18, 2006