


Water cascades down these huge clams...

Seth observes an iguana...

Seth plays with some statues depicting Pagmamano,

where youngsters kiss the hands of their elders as a sign of respect.

Lorrainesitted in between a guitar-playing suitor and a provincial lass he is serenading.

Lorraine and I wait at the entrance to the stairway...

for lunch in the middle of the river, you heard right, in the middle of the river...
Lorraine beneath a chandelier made up of Philippine hats
Down the stairway we go!! Food is served in plates and bowls made from coconuts...
Uncle Boy and Ti Ester wade through the water... as we wait in line to sample the delicious Filipino cuisine...
...and we did not mind getting our feet wet! Uncle Rey and Ti Nora strike a pose for this shot.
Seth looks in amazement at the dragonfly caught by his Lolo Rey. The water is too tempting, click on the falls to get wet!

Kindly click on the waterfalls to join us in the fun!!!